Welcome to gutsmiedl-schuemann.net!

You are visiting the english version of my personal website! On the following pages I would like to introduce myself as an archaeologist. My homepage will especially focus on my professional and academic life.
In the menu on the left side, you’ll find my academic CV at Curriculum Vitae. In Publications you’ll find a list of my articles, books and other publications. Insights into my academic teaching and information about the lectures and seminars I have taught so far can be found at Teaching.
An overview over my research activities is given at Research. In addition, the Tag Cloud displayed on the right side shall also give an insight into my research interests and research activities.
Some time ago, I presented the results of my doctoral thesis in a short video called “Vergrabene Geschichten” (translated title: “Buried Stories”). Here, I give an overview over the archaeological research on the early medieval cemetery of Aschheim. Many thanks to Jens Jensen for the realisation of this project!